Why We Made ADG Sleep

Alex Davis

Great Sleep is a Cheat Code

If you are like me, you know that sleeping through the night and getting 8 hours of uninterrupted deep sleep is the only way to guarantee tomorrow will be a great day. 

If you are also like me, your bedside table used to have a ton of different supplement containers on it because you know that natural vitamins and minerals can help you get that deep sleep.

I had the idea for ADG Sleep in 2023 when I realized that my wife and I were regularly missing one or two of the sleep aid supplements we needed.

We have spent years tinkering with our nighttime routine and supplement stack; we decided to use this experience to create an all-in-one sleep aid supplement. After spending time working with Formulation Experts, Manufacturers, Health Canada, and Graphic Designers - ADG Sleep was created. It is time for A Damn Good Sleep!

Sleep Better - Dominate Tomorrow

Alex and Kaitlin (and Alfie) - ADG Sleep Founders

 Image of Alex and Kaitlin, ADG Sleep Founders, and their black dog, Alfie

ADG Sleep's Powerful Ingredients 

Vitamin B6 - To improve quality of life, decrease restless leg syndrome, and to help reduce depression/anxiety.

Magnesium - To improve sleep latency, increase sleep time, and support healthy muscle function.

Zinc - To improve sleep quality, reduce insomnia, and for hormonal support.

GABA - To improve sleep efficiency, increase REM sleep time, and help reduce anxiety.

L-Theanine - To improve sleep quality, and improve mood and cognition.

Valerian Root - To improve sleep quality and to help reduce anxiety.

Lemon Balm Extract (Melissa Officinalis) - To help decrease insomnia, reduce stress, and decrease time to fall asleep.

Melatonin - To decrease sleep onset latency and increase total sleep time.

Questions? Shoot us an email at contact@adgsleep.com

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